金一海(1954 年生于大邱)
* 个人邀请展40 回 (1984-2011 纽约巴黎东京北京首尔等)
* ART KOREA封面作家邀请展(2010,首尔美术馆)
* A&C artfair邀请展(2010,首尔美术馆)
* C-KOAS 展 ( 2009,北京上上美术馆)
* 东方之光- 韩中精锐作家大作展 ( 2009,北京798画廊)
* 东方之光- 韩中精锐作家大作展 ( 2008,首尔美术馆)
* 应邀参加首尔美术大展 ( 2007~2009,首尔市立美术馆,)
* KIAF 展 ( 2007,贸易中心首尔)
* MANIF 特别奖获奖作家展 (1998-2007,艺术的殿堂首尔)
* 韩国具象大祭典(2005-2008,艺术的殿堂首尔)
* 韩国现代美术现状与鉴定展 ( 2007,艺术的殿堂首尔)
* 韩国杰出画家展 (2006,,仁寺艺术中心首尔)
* 韩国Nude 展 ( 2004,世宗文化会馆首尔)
* Best Star & Best Artist 展( 2003,艺术的殿堂首尔)
* Seoul-Paris 展 (2003,Convention Center 巴黎)
* 南北和平美术展(1995-2008,东京大阪等)
* 国际版画美术节 ( 2004,艺术的殿堂首尔)
* 文化人的肖像展 ( 2002,国立现代美术馆首尔)
* 韩国精锐作家展 ( 1991,东京艺术中心日本)
曾参加国际艺术博览会20 多次(2002-2008 年纽约,日内瓦迈阿密悉尼上海北京LA香港拉斯维加斯大阪伊斯坦布尔莫斯科等)
l 历任大韩民国美术大展评审委员长
l 团体展及国内外邀请展500余回
l 现韩国美术文化论坛代表,东方之光-中日韩交流展会长,水原大学校兼任教授
profile * Kim, Il - Hae(1954~ )
*Graduated from College of Fine Arts, Yeungnam University
*Graduated from the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Hongik University
*40 private invitation exhibits(New York, Paris, Tokyo, Bejing, Seoul)
*Invitation exhibits of Art Korea Cover Artists(2010. Seoul Museum)
*Invited entry for A&C artfair( 2010. Seoul Museum)
*C-KOAS Exhibition(2009.Bejing SangSang Museum)
* Exhibition of Best Artists from Korea and China-Light from East
(2009.Bejing 798 in gallery)
* Exhibition of Best Artists from Korea and China-Light from East
(2008. Seoul Musenm)
*Invited entry for Seoul Fine Arts Exhibit(2007-2009. Seoul Museum of Art)
*KIAF Exhibition (2007. Seoul COXE)
*Exhibit of MANIF special Prize Winners(1998-2007 . Seoul Arts Center)
*Exhibition of Korea Design (2005-2010. Seoul Arts Center)
*Exhibition of Korea Contemporary Fine Arts Field and Proof(2007.Seoul Arts Center)
*Exhibition of Artists in Splendid Korea(2006.Seoul Insa Artcneter)
*Nude Exhibition of Korea (2004.Seoul Sejong Artcenter)
*Best Star&Best Artist Exhibition(2003.Seoul Arts Center)
*Seoul-Paris Exhibition(2003.Paris Conventioncenter)
*Art Display of Peace on Seouth &North(1995-2008. Japen)
*International engraving artfair (2004.Seoul Arts Center)
*Protraits of People of Literacy Exhibition(2002.National Museum of Art)
*Exhibition of Korea's Besr Artists(1991 TokyoArt Center)
*Nearly twenty participations in international ArtFair(NewYork. Tokyo.Miami.Geneva.Sydney.Osaka.LasVegas.Istanbul.Moscow.Sanghai)
*Over 500entries at team eventsand booth invitations internationally and domestically.
*The respesentative of Korean Fine Arts Cultural Forum
*The president of Korean -China Exchange Exhibition Light from the East